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Joe Hogue- Music Director

Joe Hogue is an award winning music producer, composer, and artist.  With more than 30 years professional experience, Joe has received Emmy and Grammy Awards and has sold 10,000,000 albums worldwide.  At the Glory Center, Joe brings his love for worship and leads the New Season Band each Sunday service.

Angelina Rodriguez- Social Media Director

Angelina is our church's connection to the world as she navigates our social media presence and oversees the Live- Streaming of our worship services with Scott Salazar.  She is a great organizer and loves to run!

Kathy Duncan- Prayer Partner Ministry

Kathy co-leads the Prayer Partners Ministry at the Glory Center and is on the Board of Directors for Encounter Missions International.  She is also known as Professor Duncan as she is in management at the University of La Verne. 

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Janet Robertson- Director of Missions & Director of Education

As the Director of Encounter Missions International (EMI), Janet enjoys missions and more missions! In1999 Janet founded the first EMI church in Taiwan called Church Alive in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Since then, EMI has developed inclusive churches in Taipei, Taiwan and Melbourne, Australia and Mexico City, Mexico.  Janet is also the Director of Education at the Glory Center and is currently offering the Ignite Foundational Classes.

Heather Ellison- Prayer Partner Ministry & Creative Arts Director

Heather is the co-leader of the Prayer Partner Ministry at the Glory Center as well as the Creative Arts Director. Heather has a real heart for serving!  She also directs the Signs of Glory, the ASL choir as well as the Glory Dancers.  Her passion is to minister before the Lord and create an atmosphere of worship.

Johanna Martinez & Isaac Moreno- Youth Leaders

At the Glory Center, we want our young people to develop an intimate relationship with God.  We have wonderful Youth Leaders in Johanna Martinez and Isaac Moreno.  Together, they teach biblically based lessons to our young people and help them apply Godly principles to their lives.

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